Whatever your organisational aspirations or challenges, Acentia allows you to build the right workplace culture you need to excel. The framework has been designed to put your people in the drivers’ seat while providing all the required expert training, advice and support to ensure you’re successful in your workplace culture journey.
Approx 1.5hrs scoping conversation
For us to fully understand your organisational and cultural challenges and aspirations, discuss the approach and answer all your initial questions. Typically one or two Acentia Consultants with the business owner / CEO and one or two other senior team members.
2 days with the Executive Team
One or Two Acentia Consultants to facilitate
Across these two days we will prepare your Executive Team to be the ultimate champions of your workplace culture. This includes an introduction to all aspects of the Acentia system and how your people will engage with it, the assessment process and the receiving of assessment feedback. By the end of the workshop your Executive Team will have complete clarity on the program, the critical part they play in its success, and next steps.
Two full days onsite for data collection,
Half day with Exec Team to present findings
One or two Acentia Consultants will complete a full first assessment of your workplace culture, using a qualitative assessment methodology involving focus groups with your Executive Team, mid-level leaders and staff members. They’ll then present back a full report of their findings against all 13 elements of the Acentia system, and a complete culture strategy, customised for your organisation.
We’ll discuss whether your size and structure warrant multiple assessments, and if so, how many and how this can be structured. As a rule of thumb, more than 500 people and/or multiple sites of significant size will likely require a multi-assessment approach.
Once your assessment is complete and your culture strategy written, your Consultant will discuss with you which Acentia toolkits will most benefit you to begin executing on your workplace strategy. (You only purchase what you need after each assessment). Once you’ve purchased certain toolkits, those toolkits are available to you via a secure web- based portal. Once your people are trained in the toolkits (see below), they’ll receive their own login to access those toolkits.
4 days for your Culture Champions/Facilitators, one or two Acentia Consultants to facilitate
Here’s the stage where we prepare a group of your people to become your very own inhouse culture specialists. Your Consultant will help you decide who should make up your culture team or teams, and whether you also wish to train additional facilitators to share the culture development workload with your culture team. Your people will spend an interactive and intensive four days learning everything they need to know about the Acentia system, how they can access and use the toolkits you have purchased, and receiving specific training for those toolkits. They will leave the Academy with the skills and clarity needed to begin executing your culture strategy and making Acentia your own.
1.5hr sessions with culture team and Acentia Consultant every 3 months for first year, then every 6 months
Ongoing support for your culture team is a critical part of the program, to ensure the team is off to a great start, remains focused and motivated over time, and to help them negotiate any barriers or challenges they will undoubtably face from time to time.
Culture development is not something you focus on for a finite period of time, “finish”, and call it done. You wouldn’t take your eye off the ball with critical business functions like sales, or finance, or customer experience. The same is true for workplace culture. Ongoing refresh sessions and regular assessments are critical to keeping your people and your program strong and focused in the long term.
Here’s how it looks...
1 day every 12 months
Your culture team will attend an annual full-day session where the previous year of activity will be reviewed, issues discussed, any new developments to toolkits shared, and the next year of planning completed.
As we recommend a full assessment every two years, every second year this session will occur following the assessment when results can be discussed and any required changes to the culture strategy made.
Every two years
We recommend a full assessment (or assessments) be carried out across the organisation every two years, to allow you to monitor changes, success and challenges over time and to ensure focus on culture development remains targeted in the right direction.
Following the first assessment, it becomes entirely your choice whether you opt to have your culture champions trained to become accredited inhouse assessors, or whether you prefer to have an Acentia Consultant continue to complete the assessments as an independent third party. Your Consultant can discuss this option with you further down the track and help you decide what the best approach is for you.
Acentia Consultants are always available to provide additional support where it is needed. We can discuss options for additional support with you whenever it is needed.
Of course, over time you’ll have culture champions and facilitators leave or change roles, and you will need to train new people to take their places. Depending on numbers we can either run a full Academy for you, or have your people attend a “Public Academy” with people from other organisations. Again, your Consultant can discuss these options with you when required.
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